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© 2019 King of Kings Arabic Initiative 


Two Ways to Sow Online

Give a ministry gift to Malik El-Molouk: The Arabic Initiative, through King of Kings Ministries (tax-deductible)





Give a personal ministry gift to Sam Kawaneh and family through King of Kings Community Jerusalem (to give to Sam, select "Sam Kawaneh" in the open field) (tax-deductible)









Gifts and checks can also be mailed: 


King of Kings Ministries Inc

PO Box 30607 Phoenix AZ 85046



U.S. checks can be made out to:

King of Kings

Please write "Arabic Initiative" or "Sam Kawaneh" in the subject line




Malik El-Molouk c/o Sam Kawaneh

P.O.Box 1278

Jerusalem 9101202



Israeli checks can be made out to:

Naharot Mayim Chaim 

Please write "Arabic Initiative Jerusalem" or "Sam Kawaneh" in the subject line

Operated by Naharot Maim Chaim

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